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Phone Inbox: Setup Guide

A step-by-step guide to setting up your Helpwise phone inbox.
Abhinash Daulaguphu
Updated 1 year ago

Twilio number is required to set up a phone inbox in Helpwise. Twilio is a service from where you buy voice / SMS / Whatsapp enabled phone numbers from around the globe.

Helpwise's Phone inbox can be combined with SMS inbox so that you can call and text your customer from the same place.

In this article, we will outline the steps for setting up Phone Inbox in Helpwise.

If you’d like to learn more about the features, see the article below:

How to Setup Phone Inbox in Helpwise

Step 1: Log in to your Helpwise account
Step 2: Navigate to "Inboxes" and click on "Add Inbox"
Step 3: Scroll down and click on "Twilio" under the phone inbox section
Note: A Twilio number with voice capabilities is required to create a phone inbox.
Step 4: Enter your Twilio Account SID and Token, and Click Next
             Learn more about Twilio Account SID and Token

Step 5: Enter the Twilio Number associated with your account and Click Configure
Step 6:
Enable Calling capabilities for the inbox by selecting "Enable phone inbox"Step 7: Download the Helpwise Dialer web app to start using the Phone Inbox. 
  • The Helpwise dialer app will need to be installed by anyone in your team who wants to make and receive calls. 
  • The dialer app can be downloaded at any time from your inbox (once it is created).
Step 8: Invite your members to the shared calling inbox and start using the calling feature

Note: All charges for calling and SMS limits are set by Twilio and users need to directly transact with Twilio for call / SMS charges.

Now start using Helpwise’s Phone Inbox to interact with your customers with Voice and SMS capabilities.

If you have any queries about the Phone Inbox or anything around Helpwise, feel free to contact our live chat support or email at 

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