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How to work on Helpwise?

A guide on how Helpwise works, and best practices for using it.
Ankita Agarwal
Updated 10 months ago
This guide will walk you through the main inbox folders on Helpwise and how to use the basic functionalities on Helpwise.

What happens when a new conversation lands on Helpwise?

New conversations land up in the "All" folder. If you have not set up any assignment rules, new conversations will appear in the "Unassigned" folder as well. If auto-assignment is set up, they will land in the "Assigned" folder.

How to Assign conversations?

Conversations can be assigned:
  • Manually
  • When an agent first replies to a customer
  • Through Inbox settings
  • Through Rules
  • Choose to keep unassigned
For more know-how on assignment, check out this article.

What happens once a conversation is assigned?

Say, a conversation is assigned to an agent, Anna. This will start appearing in her"Mine" folder. The "Mine" folder is unique to every individual on your team, and they will only see the conversations that have been assigned to them in this folder. They can start working on their assigned conversations and reverting to customers.

There are two main scenarios to be considered:
  • Resolution has been provided to customer: Once resolution has been provided, and there is no further actionable on the conversation, the conversation should be marked as"Closed". This will ensure that your "Mine", "All, "Assigned", "Unassigned" folders only contain the Active conversations on which some action is required. The Closed folder will contain all the conversations where no further actionable is required.
    • If any customer reverts on a Closed conversation, it will move from the Closed folder to the original Active folders (Mine, All etc.)

  • You want to follow up with the customer / are awaiting a reply from customer: For this, use the "Snooze" functionality. You can snooze a conversation till the time you want to follow up. Snoozed conversations will appear in the "Snoozed" folder. Snoozed conversations will move back to the original folders once the snooze time is up OR if the customer reverts to a Snoozed conversation.

Following the above best practices will ensure that at any point in time, you only have the 'Active', actionable conversations in your inbox.

How can I collaborate on Helpwise?

  1. Mentions and notes: This is the most important collaboration feature on Helpwise. You can mention any team member on the notes section on any conversation. Say, Harry has mentioned Anna on a conversation. Anna will get a notification and that conversation will start appearing in his "Mentions" folder. 
    • The Mentions folder is also unique to every individual and only shows up the conversations they have been mentioned on

  2. Collision Detection: Your team members will be able to detect if there are multiple agents on any conversation, so that multiple people do not end up actioning the same conversation. They will also be able to see if someone else is typing out a reply.

  3. Shared drafts: This is only available for email inboxes. You can share a draft right within a conversation. Anyone on your team will be able to see the draft and make edits. Once the draft is finalised, it can be sent by the correct person in the team.

What are the other must-know features of Helpwise?

  1. Tags: You can assign tags to any conversation to organise your inbox and / or to set up any automation Rules. Learn more about tags on Helpwise.

    These tags will appear as folders on Helpwise. All the conversations with the specific tag can be found in these folders.
  2. Saved Replies: Create canned responses for the most frequently asked queries. Learn more about saved replies on Helpwise.

    3. Rules: You can automate certain workflows such as auto tagging based on keywords, set up complex assignment rules, set up auto replies and more using Rules. Learn more about rules on Helpwise here.

That's all for this article. Take a demo of Helpwise to learn more.
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