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Reports: Metrics Explained (A to Z)

Understand how each metric in Helpwise Reports is calculated.
Bani Kaur
Updated 1 year ago

This article gives an in-depth view of what each metric measures and how we calculate the report metrics, making it easy for you to understand and use them to your advantage. Click the links below to jump to a specific section:

A. Overall Reports

You will find the following metrics in the overall reports. 

  1. Emails/messages per day: This graph demonstrates the total number of emails/messages sent and received per day during a specific period in an inbox.

  1. Outgoing messages indicate the number of outgoing emails/messages sent from an inbox. You can see the trend of outgoing messages for the time period selected by you.


  1. Incoming messages indicate the number of incoming emails/messages received in an inbox (excluding spam and trash). You can see the trend of incoming messages for the time period selected by you.

On the vertical axis of the graph, it shows the number of emails. On the horizontal axis, it shows the date range.

  1. New conversations: This shows the number of unique and newly received conversations for the selected inbox and the date range for which they were received or sent. It also displays a comparison of data from the date you’ve selected. 

A customer can come back on an existing conversation or email thread with a completely new query. To ensure metrics are calculated correctly, we have introduced the concept of segments.

By default, each conversation segment lasts 4 days. If a new message arrives in an existing thread on the 5th day, we treat it as a new conversation.

  1. Assigned conversations: This shows the total number of assigned conversations to your agents out of the new conversations received within a time period. According to the image below, out of 925 new conversations, 638 are assigned conversations.

  1. Unassigned conversations: This shows the number of unassigned conversations out of the new conversations within a time period. This is the difference between new conversations and assigned conversations as per the report. It also displays a comparison of data from the date you’ve selected. According to the image below, out of 925 new conversations, 287 are unassigned.

  1. Closed conversations: This shows the total number of closed conversations from the selected inbox within a specified time range. It also displays a comparison of data from the date you’ve selected. As you can see, out of 925 conversations, 647 were closed.

  1. Emails/messages on hourly basis: This is a heatmap that shows the traffic of emails/messages for the date range selected by you, on an hourly + day-of-the-week basis. 

You can filter for total, only outgoing, or only incoming emails/messages from the right dropdown menu. 

The incoming filter will tell you the times when your customers send you the most requests, this can help you in planning out the shifts of your team better.

  1. Busiest day of the week & busiest hour of the day: On the basis of the data in the heatmap, the report also shows the busiest day of the week and busiest day of the hour. This can be used to see when customers are more active, you're receiving more queries, and agents are more active. The below image displays the Busiest Day of the Week as “Tuesday” and the Busiest Hour of the Day as “8 pm".

B. Team Performance Reports

You will find the following metrics in the Team Performance Reports.

  1. Average response time: Average time taken to send out all the responses in a conversation during the selected date range for the entire inbox.

Let's consider two scenarios, 

First scenario:

Customer A sent the first message at 12:00 PM and the agent replied to it by 12:10 PM. Again, the customer responded at 12:20 PM and the agent replied at 12:40 PM

In this scenario, the average response time for this chat will be (10 minutes + 20 minutes) divided by two i.e.30/2 = 15 minutes. The time taken by the customer to respond back is ignored (between 12:10 to 12:20 PM)

Second scenario:

Customer B sent the first message at 01:00 PM and the agent replied to it by 01:30 PM. Again, the customer responded at 01:45 PM and the agent replied at 01:55 PM

In this scenario, the average response time for this chat will be (30 minutes + 10 minutes)/2 i.e.40/2 = 20 minutes

Third scenario:

Now, the admin has set the business hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If the business hours setting is toggled then here’s how the report will be generated. 

Customer C sends in a query at 6:00 PM, which is after the set business hours. The next day, the agent starts their workday and replies to the message at 9:05 AM. 

In this scenario, even though the real-world time between the customer's message and the agent's reply is 15 hours 5 minutes, only 5 minutes falls within the business hours (from 9:00 AM to 9:05 AM). Hence, the response time for this chat will be considered as 5 minutes.

Total Average Response Time:

Assuming there are only these three chats in the inbox for the selected date range and within the business hours, the average resolution time for the entire inbox will be
36.6 minutes (i.e., 60 minutes (Customer A) + 45 minutes (Customer B) + 5 minutes (Customer C)) divided by 3.

  1. Average resolution time: Average time taken by the agents to close the conversations. 

For example: Let's once again consider two scenarios,

First scenario:

Customer A sends the first message at 12:00 PM. The conversation goes back and forth with the agent, and the conversation gets closed by 1:00 PM.

In this scenario, the resolution time for this chat is 60 minutes, as it took one hour from the start to resolve the issue.

Second scenario:

Customer B starts a chat at 02:00 PM. After discussing the issue with the agent, the query was resolved by 02:45 PM.

In this scenario, the resolution time for this chat is 45 minutes.

Third scenario:

Now, the admin has set the business hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If the business hours setting is toggled then here’s how the report will be generated. 

Customer C sends in a query at 6:00 PM, which is after the set business hours. The next day, an agent starts addressing the query at 9:00 AM (start of business hours) and resolves it by 10:00 AM.

In this scenario, since the conversation was addressed only during business hours, the resolution time for this chat is 60 minutes (from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM) because the hours post the business hours are not taken into account. 

Total Average Resolution Time:

Assuming there are only these three chats in the inbox for the selected date range and within the business hours, the average resolution time for the entire inbox will be 55 minutes (i.e., 60 minutes (Customer A) + 45 minutes (Customer B) + 60 minutes (Customer C)) divided by 3.

  1. Average first response time: The average first response time is the average time taken to send out the first responses to the customer in the selected date range for the entire inbox.

Let's consider two scenarios, 

First scenario:

Customer A sent the first message at 12:00 PM and the agent replied to it by 12:10 PM

Second scenario:

Customer B sent the first message at 01:00 PM and the agent replied to it by 01:30 PM. 

Here, the first response time will be 10 minutes (case: Customer A) and 30 minutes (case: Customer B)

The average first response time for the inbox for the selected time range will be (10+30)/2(conversations) i.e. 20 minutes

Only the first response times are considered for every conversation. Any subsequent replies sent on the same conversation are not considered.

  1. Customer satisfaction score: This indicates the score/rating given by your customers on the customer support feedback survey you shared. You can track the individual customer details, ratings, and comments by clicking on the expand icon in the top-right corner.

Team Member Performance Metrics:

  1. Assigned conversations: The number of messages assigned to a specific agent over a specific period of time

  1. Closed conversations: The number of conversations closed by an agent over a specific period of time

  1. Outgoing: This is the total number of freshly composed messages sent by your team member, plus the number of replies sent, to conversations initiated by your customers. 

Note: A single conversation can have multiple emails/messages. 

For example, an email thread is a conversation, which can have multiple emails in it.

  1. Replies (Conversations): The number outside the bracket indicates the total number of replies sent, while the number inside the bracket indicates the number of conversations to which these replies were sent.

    Note: A single conversation can have multiple emails/messages. For example, an email thread is a conversation, which can have multiple replies (emails) sent by your team member.

    The difference between ‘outgoing’ and ‘replies’ is that ‘replies’ do not include emails/messages initiated/composed by your team members. Outgoing = Replies + Composed messages.

  1. Average response time: The average response time here is the average time taken by a specified agent to send out all the responses in a conversation during the selected date range.

  1. Average first response time: The average first response time here is the average time taken to send out the first responses to the customer in the selected date range by that specific agent. 

  1. Average resolution time: The average resolution time here is the average time taken by that specific agent to resolve customer queries and close the conversations. 

Note: If a conversation is replied to by agent A, and closed by agent B, resolution time would be calculated for agent A who replied to the conversation first.

  1. Average CSAT score: This indicates the average CSAT score received on the conversations handled by a specific agent within a period of time. 

Now, let's consider a scenario, 

If Agent A sent out the first reply to a customer at 12:00 PM and then Agent B took over and closed the conversation by 12:30 PM

In this scenario, the CSAT score will be given to the agent who was assigned the conversation in the first place. 

C. Live Dashboard Reports

You will find the following metrics in the Live Dashboard Reports. 

  1. Active unassigned conversations: This shows the current status/ real-time count of the total number of ongoing conversations (not closed) in an inbox that have not been assigned to any agent yet.

  1. Active assigned conversations: This shows the current status/ real-time count of the total number of assigned conversations out of all the active conversations in an inbox.

  1. Active snoozed conversations: This shows the current status/ real-time count of the total number of snoozed conversations (ones that are put on hold) out of all the active conversations in an inbox.

  1. Incoming traffic: This is the percentage increase/decrease in incoming customer messages during a specified time period.

Note: For calculation of percentage change, current incoming is compared with the weighted average hourly traffic of the last three weeks.

  1. Conversations awaiting reply: This is the total number of conversations that are waiting for a response from your agents' end. 

  1. Status: This metric indicates the current availability (available or away) of each agent.

  1. Assigned conversations: This shows the real-time count of the total number of assigned conversations out of all the active conversations to a specific agent. 

  1. Awaiting reply conversations: This is the total number of conversations assigned to a specific agent to which they haven’t responded.

  1. Snoozed conversations: This indicates the total number of conversations assigned to a specific agent that are currently snoozed.

D. Tag Reports

You will find the following metrics in the Tag Reports. 

  1. Open conversations: This is the total number of open conversations assigned to a specific tag as well as those that are untagged.

  1. Open conversations percentage: This indicates the percentage of open conversations assigned to a specific tag and the percentage of untagged conversations out of all the conversations. It is calculated by dividing open conversations with Tag A by the total number of conversations. 

  1. Tagged conversations awaiting a reply: This indicates the total number of conversations assigned to a specific tag that is yet to be responded to from your agents’ end. 

  1. Average age: This metric shows the average duration for which open conversations have been active. It is measured as the difference between the current time and the last time the conversation was opened by an agent. 

For example, say you have 3 open conversations with the tag ‘A’ assigned to it. The first conversation has been open for 2 hours, the second one for 3 hours, and the third one for 4 hours. The average age for Tag ‘A’ will be (2+3+4)/3 hours = 3 hours. 

  1. Conversations: This shows the total number of conversations that are assigned to a specific tag including both open and closed conversations.

  1. Conversations percentage: This indicates the percentage of conversations assigned to a specific tag and the percentage of untagged conversations out of all the conversations. This includes both open and closed conversations.  

  1. Average response time: The average response time is the average time taken to send out all the responses to the conversations assigned to a specific tag.

  1. Average first response time: The average first response time is the average time taken to send out the first responses to the conversations assigned to a specific tag. 

  1. Average resolution time: The average resolution time is the average time taken to resolve customer queries and close the conversations assigned to a specific tag. 

E. CSAT Reports

You will find the following metrics in the CSAT Reports. 

  1. Customer satisfaction score: This is the average CSAT score on the basis of responses received in the surveys sent during a selected time period.

  2. Surveys sent: This is the total number of surveys sent post-closing customer conversations. According to the image below, 313 is the number of surveys sent.

  3. Responses received: This is the total number of responses received on the surveys sent. 25 is the number of responses received on the surveys sent according to the image shown below.

  4. Responses received percentage: This is the percentage breakdown of ‘Excellent’, “Fair’ and ‘Poor’ responses received on the surveys sent. 

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